I’m sure you are like me, Amazon Prime is basically my go-to for EVERYTHING. Through trial and error, I am sharing my favorite SPD, ADHD, and cognitive disorder assistance items. From toys, books, quiet time activities and more! Let us know if you have products that work for you and we will add!


I am an avid reader and I love finding educational and informative books regarding Sensory Processing, ADHD and other cognitive disabilities. These resources are extremely helpful in my journey of helping my child AND sharing my knowledge with others! Here are a few I highly recommend.

For Parents

The Smart but Scattered was recommended to use by our Pediatric NeuroPsychologist and has been extremely helpful when addressing executive functions. She also recommended the 1-2-3 Magic and I can’t say enough about this resource. We implemented this new way of discipline which allows for the child to change the behavior (instead of just “getting in trouble”) and a set consequence that NEVER CHANGES. There are expectations and consequences that are clearly defined. SUPER helpful. (see also the child’s book below).

The Whole-Brain Child

A great book for ALL parents applicable to ALL kiddos! Taking a WHOLE centered approach to learning and teaching!

For Children

As referenced above the 1-2-3 Magic for kids is a great secondary resource for implementation. It walks the kids through a new way of communicating and consequences for behavior! We use this with ALL our kids (not just the one with ADHD and SPD). The “What to do when you Worry Too much” is an excellent guide for older (6 and up) children who might be anxious. Highly recommend!

I LOVE these first three books by Little Senses! A great way to explore at an early age HOW they feel about noises, food and interactions with other kiddos.

My sensory child gleams SO much from a yoga or mindfulness session! These are great books for a home practice!

Sensory Friendly Toys & Activities

Sensory “Helpers”

These are excellent sensory helpers for every day and travel! We use the noise cancelling headphones often…concerts, football games, some Disney rides, fireworks..etc! They are compact and come in all different colors. The hanging chair is excellent for sensory kids. Not only can they feel secure, the gentle rocking is great! I know everyone is talking about weighted blankets, but they are a great source of comfort for sensory and other cognitive needs children. Make sure the blanket weight is no more than 10% of their body weight! You want to make sure they can move the blanket on their own!